Friday, November 6, 2020

Supermarket mission

 Supermarket mission

So today we went to the supermarket and we check the nutrition facts and write it down in our sheets. Before we went to the supermarket Jessica who does food for thought teach us how to check nutrition facts and how much sugar was at a drink, I learnt so many things about foods thanks to Jessica.  

Monday, November 2, 2020

Mission Market day

 Mission Market day 

For our Mission market day year 7 and 8 had a chance to do a mission market day. Mission market day is a day where the year 7 and 8 gets to sell stuff or do fun activities. The money we raised will go to Caritas. It is a really good thing that we do this because we are helping many people that need help. This year we raised about $1,403. Doing mission market day was really fun and next year hopefully we raise twice the amount we earned, sadly I didn’t have any pictures but if I had I would show it to you.