Monday, October 19, 2020

Explanation writing

 Stop wasting your time let’s make sushi

Let’s make sushi, making sushi should not be rushed. You should have patience while making it because if you rush the sushi will just fall apart and it will not look as pleasant. Making sushi sometimes could be difficult, sometimes it could be easy depending on the sushi you make. Some chefs spend decades learning how to make the perfect sushi rice or cut raw fish like a boss and it will improve the skills that you already know. 

The process of making sushi is really easy but like what I said some could be difficult to make, but today we are going to be learning how to make basic sushi. What you will be needing is nori sheets. It is basically the base of the sushi, but some types of sushi doesn't need nori sheets but since we're making basic sushi we will be needing nori sheets. The second thing we’re going to need is rice, avocado, cucumber, fish, tuna or chicken. It's your choice!

Instructions on how to make sushi, first of all you will find a flat surface to put the nori sheet. Furthermore, you will get your rice and spread it all over the nori sheet but make sure that you don’t put too much rice or else it will be difficult to roll. Next you will grab your desired toppings, and place it to the end of the nori sheet, make sure it won’t fall off. Then next you will be rolling the sushi gently until it forms a long cylinder. Now that you have rolled your sushi, you will grab a knife and slice the roll! Be sure to cut it in even slices so others can devour it equally. Now plate it in a nice presentable plate and serve!